Injuries resulting from accidents involving potholes typically require immediate medical attention. You may seek compensation from the local government agency responsible for the road's maintenance and upkeep. To hold a local government liable for causing damage,...
Jersey Shore Personal Injury and Employment Specialists
Motorcycle Accidents
Speeding and motorcycle collisions
Motorcyclists have to watch out for many risk factors on the road, from poor road conditions as a result of ice to drunk drivers. Speeding is a major concern when it comes to motorcycle crashes, and many motorcyclists have been hurt or even killed as a result of high...
Are you ready to ride your motorcycle with a passenger?
Riding with a motorcycle passenger in New Jersey is usually a lot of fun for both people. However, a passenger also adds some extra challenges and safety considerations. It is important to familiarize yourself with the nuances. Fortunately, the right knowledge will...
Your awareness can prevent motorcycle collisions
When you are busy driving, it may be easy for your mind to wander as you begin thinking about where you are going or what you are doing in the coming hours. Even more distracting can be things like passengers talking, your phone alerting you to a new message or even...
Why are motorcyclists more likely to be injured in an accident?
Whether as a means of transportation or strictly as a recreational vehicle, a motorcycle offers you benefits that cars and trucks simply cannot provide. However, if you choose to ride a motorcycle in New Jersey, you also face a greater risk of death or injury in the...
Keeping yourself and your passenger safe on a motorcycle
You have recently purchased a brand-new motorcycle and are anticipating the many adventures you will have cruising the open roads of New Jersey. One of the aspects of owning your own bike that you are most excited about is being able to take passengers out to...
Learning these motorcycle riding tips can keep you safer
You have recently invested in a new motorcycle; a dream of yours for many years. Now, you are learning how to use your bike, which requires practice to get familiar with the way it drives, its power level and how it feels on different roadways. At Escandon, Fernicola,...
Safety tips for new motorcycle riders
New motorcyclists in New Jersey are no doubt eager to get on the road for the first time. However, safety should always be on the mind of new riders, especially when they are in the process of building their skill set. To make certain you have the tools they need to...
Can you plan ahead to avoid distracted driving?
If you have to commute to your job each day in New Jersey, you have probably encountered times where the temptation to multitask while driving is quite appealing. You may even feel justified with your decision if the road around you is not busy or if you are confident...
Will my motorcycle helmet make me safer on the road?
Allenhurst motorcycle riders should always think safety, and one important component to preserving your life while riding your bike on a New Jersey highway is finding the right motorcycle helmet. But how can you be sure your helmet will provide the proper protection...