Jersey Shore Personal Injury and Employment Specialists

Human error is the largest cause of car accidents 

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2025 | Car Accidents |

Over the decades, cars have become significantly safer. This is why driving vintage vehicles can be riskier—getting into an accident in one of these cars drastically increases the odds of injury. Many older vehicles lack even basic safety systems, such as airbags or crumple zones, and they certainly do not have modern safety features like backup cameras or blind spot monitoring systems.

Despite these advancements, car accidents remain one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. Every year, around 40,000 people lose their lives in car crashes. If vehicles are getting safer, why is driving still such a major risk? 

The issue is that human error continues to be the leading cause of accidents. Studies have shown that driver mistakes are responsible for the vast majority of crashes.

A wide variety of mistakes

One reason human error plays such a prominent role in accidents is that it encompasses a wide range of issues. Some common driver mistakes include:

  • Going out of turn at a four-way stop
  • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving aggressively or recklessly
  • Driving too fast for conditions or exceeding the speed limit
  • Tailgating and failing to maintain a safe following distance
  • Getting distracted by a cellphone
  • Failing to properly maintain a vehicle
  • Improper merging techniques on the interstate
  • Getting distracted by passengers, pets or children

Many modern vehicles have safety systems designed to prevent some of these errors. For example, a blind spot monitoring system can help a distracted driver by alerting them to another vehicle in close proximity.

However, as long as human drivers continue to make critical mistakes, technology alone will not be enough to prevent serious accidents. Those who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones due to another driver’s negligence must understand their legal options.