Jersey Shore Personal Injury and Employment Specialists

Distractions kill, but you can take action to prevent crashes

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2022 | Car Accidents |

There is almost nothing more dangerous for a driver to do than to drive while distracted. When a driver isn’t paying attention to the road, it is very likely that they will get into a distracted driving crash or cause a near-miss. Unfortunately, looking away from the road for just a few seconds is enough to lead to trouble.

Distractions come in all shapes and forms, and they seem to grow in number all the time. Distractions, for some, might include eating behind the wheel or arguing with a passenger. For others, feeling tired or texting might be distracting. Whatever the cause is, drivers have to know that distractions are so dangerous that they could kill.

Distracted driving takes lives

In 2020, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that 3, 142 people were killed in distracted driving accidents. It’s unfortunate that so many people had to die because of something that is completely preventable. What can you do, though, if you want to prevent these crashes?

Avoiding distractions can help save lives

When you’re behind the wheel, you need to do all you can to stay focused. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous because of how quickly you can lose concentration, so making sure you set aside your phone or digital devices, choose a radio station before you drive and eat while parked or before you leave are all good options.

Talk to your passengers about safety. Let them know that it is inappropriate to scream or raise their voices when you’re driving. If you have pets in the vehicle, strap them in and make sure they’re comfortable before you leave.

If you see another driver who appears to be distracted, you need to take action as soon as you can. If you’re able to get their license plate number, you can pull over and call the police. If the driver is acting recklessly and is a danger to others, you can also call 911 and back away from them to help avoid a collision. Turning on your hazard lights may also let others know that the driver up ahead is not acting normally behind the wheel.