You and other New Jersey residents spend millions of dollars on auto insurance every year. Hopefully, you may never be in an injury accident or have any other reason to file a claim with your insurance provider. In the event that it is necessary to seek compensation for some kind of accident injury, however, you expect for your insurance company to be there for you. Unfortunately, though, the attorneys at Escandon, Fernicola, Anderson & Covelli, L.L.P., are all too familiar with the fact that insurance providers often implement policies intended to prevent injury victims from pursuing compensation claims. The verbal threshold, for instance, is one tactic that insurance companies are known to use. discusses verbal threshold stipulations, and explains that they are commonly used in states with no-fault insurance guidelines. No-fault insurance policies require accident injury victims to pursue claims with their own insurance provider unless or until certain thresholds are met. Verbal thresholds required that there must be evidence of permanent disability or loss of life before an accident victim may pursue litigation for damages in his or her case. A person may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against another party in an injury accident if he or she experienced disfigurement, dismemberment for some other permanent loss of function. However, he or she may not meet the verbal threshold if the injury in question is less severe and/or not recognized as permanent.
Considering the intended purpose and implementation of verbal threshold stipulations by New Jersey insurance companies, you may think that there is no way around them. The truth of the matter is, though, that there are several legal tactics that can be used to free you from such contractual restrictions. Learn more about verbal threshold guidelines and driver liability by visiting our web page today.